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Good marming.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Today I am very glad to be here with everyone to share my opinions about reading I love reading from the bottom of my heart and I do learn a lot from books I know the wonderful stories of great heroes in history secrets of nature To me books are like a faithful friends aroud me giving ,me enjoyment and wisdom.

There is a word on the Harvard uniuersity library is woll Even if the present the match does not stop chevnges the page Books introduce us into the best souiety they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived We hear what they saud and did we see the as if they were really alive,we sympathize with them,enjoy with them,grieve with them,their experience becomes ours,and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.

Today we live in a world of prosperity.Never before have we faced so many temptation from the outside world.Never before have we had so many chances to enjoy our lives we drive rather than walking we go online to chat with people we’ve never mat before instead of talking to friends around us but there’s always something that cannot be replaud and forgotten such as books.

Finally I’d like to end my speech with a great philosopher writer and thinker famous saying reading makes a full man studies serve for delight for ornament and for abvlity.

Thank you.