Jianye International School (JYIS) Assessment Policy
1. 建业外国语中学使命宣言 JYIS mission statement
建业外国语中学,以“做一个成功的中国人”为校训,秉 “精品教育奉献社会”之宗旨,承“教育 让生命更美好”之使命。学校与学生、家长、社区、政府以及其它国际教育机构、组织共同打造中西融合的多元文化成长环境。培养具有“民族情怀、国际视野、领袖气质”的终身学习者,为“教育让世界更美好”贡献自己的力量。
Jianye International School takes "We Are Heading for Success" as its motto, adheres to the tenet of "Quality Education, Contribution to Society" and undertakes the mission of "Better Education, Better Life". The school, together with students, parents, communities, governments and other international educational institutions and organizations, creates a multicultural growth environment integrating Chinese and Western cultures. We cultivate lifelong learners with "national feelings, global vision,leadership", and contribute our own strength to "Better education, Better world".
2.支持学生学习的评估理念 Philosophy of assessment that supports student learning
评估在我校办学理念和育人目标的实现过程中起着关键作用,通过评估,提供学生学习过程的信息反馈,教师得以追踪和诊断学生的进步,从而更好地改进 和支持学生的学习,最终培养学生成为具有国际情怀的终身学习者。学校和教师将有效、全面地评估学生,并客观地报告给家长和学生。
Evaluation act a key role in the realization of school philosophy and education goal of our school. By providing information feedback on students' learning process, teachers can track and diagnose students' progress, improve and support students' learning, and eventually train students to become lifelong learners with international feelings. Schools and teachers will evaluate students effectively and comprehensively and report to parents and students objectively.
3. 评估目的 Purpose of assessment
Through evaluation, teachers can determine what students know at different stages, understand what they are capable of doing, and what they can feel. Based on this, teachers can adjust and improve their teaching plans to provide measurement basis for teachers to achieve teaching goals.
同时, 评估为学生的学习提供证据和反馈, 使他们了解自身学习情况,更好地改进学习,设定合适的学习目标,从而掌握批判性思维和自我评估技能。
At the same time, assessment provides evidence and feedback for students' learning, enables them to understand their own learning situation, improve their learning and set appropriate learning goals, so as to grasp critical thinking and self- assessment skills.
此外, 我们也要求家长对学生进行评估, 这样家长有机会参与学生学习, 可 以与孩子和老师一起制定学生的学习目标。
In addition, we also ask parents to evaluate their students, so that parents have the opportunity to participate in student learning and can work with children and teachers to set learning goals.
4. 评估中的角色 Roles
教师在评估中的角色 Teacher's role in the evaluation
针对学生的学习过程,制定多样、有效的评估政策和方法,并运用于教学; 对评估政策和方案进行评估和改进, 支持学生的学习进步;交流、反思统计数据并不断改进教学工作。
Develop various and effective evaluation policies and methods for students' learning process and apply them in teaching; Evaluate and improve assessment policies and programs to support students' learning progress; Communicate, reflect on statistics and improve teaching.
学生在评估中的角色 Student’s role in the evaluation
Integrity assessment; Analyze your own learning and understand what needs improvement; Learning and gradually mastering certain assessment skills; Finish the evaluation assigned by teachers, and reflect and report the data; Participate in reflection, self-assessment and peer review.
家长在评估中的角色 Parent's role in the evaluation
Assess children's performance at home; Advising schools on evaluation.
管理人员在评估中的角色 Pedagogical Leadership's role in the evaluation
Check the implementation of school evaluation policies and measures; Communicate and reflect on the statistical data and constantly improve the work to improve the evaluation system; Evaluate, reflect and improve the work of oneself and teachers.
5. 评估原则 Principle
The MYP’s coherent curriculum comprises three interrelated components-written, taught and assessed curriculum. Each component has equal value. MYP assessment gives teachers and students reliable and valid information on student learning. Assessment in the MYP is criterion-related.
When conducting MYP assessments, teachers should consider students’ differing learning styles and different cultural experiences. It is also advised that teachers need to know students’ achievements and areas for improvement in the learning process. The feedback of assessment should be positive and constructive.
The assessments should be criterion-related
The assessments should be both formative and summative
The assessments should be ongoing and reflective
The summative assessment tasks should be challenging, contextual and integral
The assessments should be internally standardized
All assessment of MYP should be criterion-related.
Each assessment activity must allow students to reach the highest level of achievement.
Teachers should provide support for students' assessment tasks, including but not limited to the explanation of tasks, the support of materials and various resources, assist in the formation of teams, provide professional knowledge and support from professionals, etc, so that students can reach the highest level.
Teachers of all subjects need to summarize and evaluate according to the terminology and mandatory language of subjects, and teachers need to help students master and skillfully use the special mandatory terminology of subjects.
While conducting assessment, teachers should consider students’ language backgrounds to ensure they are able to perform well in the tasks with their comfortable languages.
Students must be provided with the copy of the criteria for each subject and assessment task requirements.
Teachers should inform students with the task clarification before they start the assigned tasks.
Feedback to students should be prompt and supportive.
Teachers must keep a clear and accurate record of all assessment activities.
Teachers use “best fit” approach and professional judgments to assess students' work.
Teachers have responsibilities to identify and report students’ malpractice of assignments referring to the school’s Academic Honesty Policy
7. 形成性评估Formative Assessment
Formative assessment represents the process of gathering, analyzing, interpreting and then using evidence to improve student learning and help students’ achieve to their potential. It is one essential component of classroom practice and needs to be integrated into curriculum delivery.
Teachers should give students formative assessments all the way during teaching each unit to help students achieve the final objectives of the subject and to develop learning approaches of the MYP.
Teachers should use the students’ formative assessment record book to record students’ formative performance based on both subject criteria and the ATL planner.
Teachers should consider the balance and frequency of applying subject criteria and ATL vertical and horizontal planner through teaching and learning activities.
Before conducting a summative assessment, at least two relevant formative assessments should be designed to prepare students so as to demonstrate their full potential in the summative assessment.
The feedback of the formative assessment should be given to the students timely.
8. Summative Assessment总结性评估
总结性评估根据IB MYP评估标准衡量学生成绩,以判断成绩水平。教师必须了解IB用于进行总结性评估的原则和实践。
Summative assessment is concerned with measuring student attainment against IB MYP assessment criteria to judge level s of attainment. Teachers must be aware of the principles and practices that the IB uses to conduct summative assessment.
Teachers should design at least one contextual and integral summative unit task for each unit to let students have opportunities to apply what they’ve learnt in the unit under real world situations.
The performance of each unit task should be assessed seriously and it culminates to students’ semester grades. Each of the four subject criteria should be at least applied in the tasks once through the semester.
Both teachers and students have the responsibilities to keep the evidence of their unit tasks for the purpose of reviewing and reflecting.
a、 任务内容和概念理解的指示
b、 任务形式,如论文、报告、PPT演示、播客、声音文件等。
c、 待评估的标准
d、 评估准则,包括通用描述符和任务特定说明
e、 任务的持续时间
f、 任务的截止日期
Students should be given notification formally of summative assessment activities. Notification should include the following features:
a. Indication of task content and conceptual understandings
b. Form of the task, e.g. an essay, report, power point presentation, podcasts, sound file, etc.
c. The criteria to be assessed
d. An assessment rubric, including generic descriptors and task-specific clarifications
e. Duration of the task
f. Task’s due date
The feedback of the summative assessment should be given to students timely.
9.内部标准化Internal Standardization
Where more than one teacher is teaching the same subject group, the process of internal standardization must take place before final achievement levels are awarded. The process involves teachers meeting to come to a common understanding on the criteria and achievement levels and how they are applied. By doing so, teachers increase the reliability of their judgment.
Standardization throughout the school year promotes consistency and builds common understandings about student achievement with respect to MYP objectives.
10.授予学期成绩Awarding Semester Grades
The award of a summative subject semester grade is based on a number of criteria-related unit tasks through the semester. All subjects should be given final level of achievement for each of the four specific criteria according to students’ unit task performances under teachers’ professional judgments.
使用MYP 1-7量表的教师应使用以下年级界限指导表确定MYP每年的最终成绩。该表提供了一种将标准总等级转换为基于1-7分制的等级的方法。应通过确定学生在每个学期期间达到的每个标准的最一致的成绩等级,将MYP标准相关数字等级转换为最终1-7等级。
Teachers using the MYP 1-7 scale should use the grade boundary guidelines table that follows to determine final grades in each year of the MYP. The table provides a means of converting the criterion levels total into a grade based on a scale of 1-7.The transformation of MYP criteria-related numeric grades into final 1-7 grades should be achieved by determining the most consistent level of achievement for each criterion achieved by the student during the course of each semester.
分数 |
边界准则 |
描述 |
1 |
1-5 |
产出质量非常一般的作品。展示了许多重大误解或对大多数概念和上下文缺乏理解。很少表现出批判性或创造性思维。非常死板,很少使用知识或技能。 |
2 |
6-9 |
产出质量一般的作品。表达对许多概念和上下文的误解或有理解上的重大差距。很少表现出批判性或创造性思维。在使用知识和技能方面通常缺乏灵活性,很少应用知识和技能。 |
3 |
10-14 |
产出质量合格的作品。传达对许多概念和背景的基本理解,偶尔出现重大误解或差距。开始展示一些基本的批判性和创造性思维。在使用知识和技能方面往往缺乏灵活性,即使在熟悉的课堂环境中也需要支持。 |
4 |
15-18 |
产生了高质量的作品。传达对大多数概念和上下文的基本理解,很少有误解或只有小差距。通常表现出基本的批判性和创造性思维。在熟悉的课堂情境中灵活运用知识和技能,但在不熟悉的情境中需要支持。 |
5 |
19-23 |
产出高质量的作品。传达对概念和上下文的全面理解。展示批判性和创造性思维,有时还很成熟。在熟悉的课堂和现实环境中使用知识和技能,并在支持下使用一些不熟悉的现实环境。 |
6 |
24-27 |
产出高质量、偶尔创新的作品。传达对概念和上下文的广泛理解。表现出批判性和创造性的思维,通常具有复杂性。在熟悉和不熟悉的课堂和现实世界中使用知识和技能,通常具有独立性。 |
7 |
28-32 |
产出高质量、经常创新的作品。传达对概念和上下文的全面且细致的理解。始终表现出成熟的批判性和创造性思维。在各种复杂的课堂和现实世界中,经常独立和专业地转化知识和技能。 |
Grade |
Boundary guidelines |
Descriptor |
1 |
1-5 |
Produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks understanding of most concepts and contexts. Very rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Very inflexible, rarely using knowledge or skills. |
2 |
6-9 |
Produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant gaps in understanding for many concepts and contexts. Infrequently demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Generally inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, infrequently applying knowledge and skills. |
3 |
10-14 |
Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of many concepts and contexts, with occasionally significant misunderstandings or gaps. Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking. Is often inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, requiring support even in familiar classroom situations. |
4 |
15-18 |
Produces good-quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most concepts and contexts with few misunderstandings and minor gaps. Often demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Uses knowledge and skills with some flexibility in familiar classroom situations, but requires support in unfamiliar situations. |
5 |
19-23 |
Produces generally high-quality work. Communicates secure understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and real-world situations and, with support, some unfamiliar real-world situations. |
6 |
24-27 |
Produces high-quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar and unfamiliar classroom and real world situations, often with independence. |
7 |
28-32 |
Produces high-quality, frequently innovative work. Communicates comprehensive, nuanced understanding of concepts and contexts. Consistently demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently transfers knowledge and skills with independence and expertise in a variety of complex classroom and real-world situations. |
11.学校考试School Examinations
At certain times of the school year, students in all MYP Grades will sit for formal written examinations, which mostly focus on knowledge and understanding to meet the local government requirement. The assessment of MYP is parallel and no conflicting with the examination evaluation of the obligation stage required by the government. We will complete the summative assessment according to the curriculum plan and participate in the prescribed examination according to the state requirements.
If the students do not take the examination (unified examination in school and district), parents should accompany the students to the school to show the situation and accompany the students to take the make-up examination. Students who do not take the examination due to subjective reasons, students' make-up exam scores are included in the total scores according to 70%; Students who do not take the exam due to objective reasons, students' make-up exam scores are included in the total scores according to 100%.
12.MYP社区设计 MYP Community Project
The community project is a culminating example of inquiry because it reflects students’ ability to initiate, manage and direct their own inquiry. MYP Year 3 students are required to participate in community projects either on their own or in groups which must be internally moderated.
13.报告评估 Reporting Assessment
Full, written academic reports are issued for all students at the end of each semester. Students who do not participate in the summative assessment due to subjective reasons will be included in the summative assessment results according to N/A, and parents will be interviewed according to the actual situation, students will be given a warning and punishment. In addition, students will be given a chance to take a make-up examination, and the results will be included in the students' academic performance report.
14.Homework 家庭作业
Teachers expect homework to be done properly and punctually. Failure to do homework is treated seriously and follow-up face-to-face meeting with students and parents will be called if the delay persists.
Teachers expect homework to be done properly and punctually. Failure to do homework is treated seriously and follow-up face-to-face meeting with students and parents will be called if the delay persists.
15. 会议 Conference
教师会见学生的会议 Teacher-student conference
教师会见学生的会议是持续的,每当老师认为需要对学生的学习提供反馈时, 就可以会见学生。
Meetings with students are ongoing and can be held whenever the teacher feels the need to provide feedback on the student's learning.
教师会见家长的会议 Teacher-parents conference
Teachers have the opportunity to share evidence and learning objectives with parents and solve existing problems to better promote students' learning later.
学生主导的会议 student-led conference
Students reflect on their own growth and take responsibility for their learning. Students work with their parents to set goals and ensure that progress is sustained.
三方会议 three-way conference
The three-way conference is attended by teachers, students, and parents at the end of each semester. At the meeting, students, parents, and teachers discussed the following:
成长档案(作业样本/期望)portfolio; 培养目标(优点及需要改进之处)learner profile; 学生的学习文化及家 庭背景 Students’ learning culture and family background.
会议之后教师提供书面反思。The teacher provided a written reflection after the meeting.
16.MYP的评估与国家课程考试要求相结合 MYP assessment with national requirements
作为郑州市金水区学校, 按照当地教育主管部门要求,我们也要定期参加区域统考。学校会将MYP的评估结果(每学期1次,每学年2次)与区域统考的成绩分开反馈给家长。
As a school in Jinshui district of Zhengzhou, we also need to regularly take the regional unified examination in accordance with the requirements of local education competent authorities. MYP assessment results (once per semester, twice per year) will be reported to parents separately from the local examination results.
17. 评估政策的完善 Revise
在每学年末时(7月-8月), MYP 协调员、所有教师和行政人员将会修订和完善评估政策。
At the end of each school year(July—August), MYP coordinators, all teachers and administrators will revise and refine the evaluation policy.
18. 文献参考 Reference
《 项 目标 准 与实施 要求 》 国际文 凭 组织 2014(International Baccalaureate Organization (2014), Programme standards and practices)
《中学项 目 :从原则到实践》 国际文凭组织 2014(International Baccalaureate Organization (2014), MYP: From principles into practice)