JYIS 使命宣言
建业外国语中学,以“做一个成功的中国人”为校训,秉 “精品教育 奉献社 会”之宗旨,承“教育 让生命更美好”之使命。学校与学生、家长、社区、政府以 及其它国际教育机构、组织共同打造中西融合的多元文化成长环境。培养具有“民 族情怀、国际视野、领袖气质”的终身学习者,为“教育 让世界更美好”贡献自己 的力量。
JYIS mission statement
Jianye International School takes "We Are Heading for Success" as its motto, adheres to the tenet of "Quality Education, Contribution to Society" and undertakes the mission of "Better Education, Better Life". Together with students, parents, communities, governments, and other international educational institutions and organizations, the school creates a multicultural growth environment integrating Chinese and Western cultures. We cultivate lifelong learners with "national feelings, global vision, leadership", and contribute our own strength to "Better education, Better World".
1.理念 Philosophy
每个学生都是独特而唯一的, 我们尊重和接纳学生的差异性和多样性,让他们都能在全纳的环境及平等的基础上,学习有意义的课程。
Every student is unique. We respect and accept the differences and diversity of students so that they can learn meaningful courses on the basis of an inclusive environment and equality.
2.目标 Goal
Providing a suitable learning environment and support for students with special education needs to help them fully develop their potential, develop their ability to live independently, and adapt to future challenges.
3.本校特殊教育需要的定义 The definition of special education
Specific educational needs are defined as specific learning difficulties, intellectual disabilities, autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, physical disabilities, visual impairment, hearing impairment, speech impairment.
4.学校成立特殊教育需求工作小组 Set up SEN team
学校设立 SEN 协调员,全面负责学校特殊需求教育工作。每个年级设有一名年级 SEN 协调员,负责年级特殊需求教育工作,并做好与学校 SEN 协调员的 工作沟通。班主任负责班级的特殊需求教育工作,并做好与学校、年级 SEN 协 调员的沟通工作。
SEN coordinator was set up to take full charge of education work for special needs of the school. Each grade has a SEN coordinator, who is responsible for education work of special needs of the grade and communicates with the SEN coordinator of the school. The head teacher is responsible for education work for special needs of the class and does a good job in communication with SEN coordinator of the school and grade.
5.实施原则 Implementation principles
Provide a high-quality education environment and learning content to all students.
b.重视每一位学生的认知、社交、情感和身体发展需要,并提供多样性的学习机 会。
Pay attention to the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development needs of each student and provide a variety of learning opportunities.
Identify and address students' specific learning needs early and provide support.
d.将教学与支持结合在一起,消除任何学习及参与的障碍,充分发展有特殊需要 学生的潜能。
Integrated teaching and support will be implemented to remove any barriers to learning and participation for the purpose of fully developing the potential of students with special needs.
Make good use of school community resources to enable students with special learning needs to learn actively and effectively.
f. 为学生提供服务:根据学生的不同需求,为有需要帮助的学生提供特殊的住宿、学习或其它资源,并根据学生的需求做出改变或者改进。
Services provided: According to the individual needs of the student with special needs, accommodations and learning plans for those students will be implemented to provide additional time, resources, or other elements based on the guidance of the team’s assessments and evaluations of individuals with special learning and developmental plans. Changes during attendance of the program may require a reassessment of an individual.
g. 学校员工职责:跟踪并记录每一位学生,为学生提供榜值,并在每一个学生的学期评估中提供帮助的建议。
Staff responsibility: Educators will keep track and detail the progress of the students needing additional assistance and report findings along with the individual developmental goals documentation throughout the year.
6. 实施模式 Implementation Model
A.识别有特殊需要学生 Identify students with special needs
a.及早识别,经特殊需要检测量卷及学业成绩评估后转给专家评估的特殊需要学 生。
Identify as early as possible and transfer to the specialist for special needs students after the special needs test volume and academic achievement assessment.
The assessment report of the education bureau or expert.
B.经专业评估后识别为特殊需要学生Students with special needs are identified after a professional evaluation
Create special needs student files.
Make a guidance plan and provide school-based support according to students' needs, teachers' observation, parents' and professional advice.
C.全校参与校本支持计划 The whole school participates in the school-based support plan
a.学习支持 Learning support
7\8\9 年级学习困难支持计划;
Support plan for Grade 7,8 and 9;
b.课堂支持 Class support
Use multi-sensory learning, different groupings to promote collaborative learning
c.学生辅导 Student counseling
Case follow-up; Parents support; Implement and follow up the support plan; Social groups; Sense system class.
d.调适分层 Adjustment Layers
Homework stratification; Evaluation stratification.
e.专业支持 Professional support
Education/clinical psychology expert; Teacher professional training.
f.其它 Others
Contact parents regularly to understand the progress of students.
g. 招生——入学和退学过渡支持:学校会邀请学生在入学日的其中一天来了解已参加课程项目的学生的日常学习和生活状态。教师将与有意愿的入学者进行面谈,邀请他们作为普通学生体验校园生活。
g. Admissions - Entry and exit transitional support: The school provides a day in the life of a student on boarding days that will allow the students to see the regular life and workload of students attending the programs. Teachers will interview and communicate with the prospective enrollees to allow them to engage in a realistic learning environment.
h. 招生——拒绝:学校与学生家长会面,向学生发出拒绝入学通知。拒绝的原因可能包括但不限于以下方面:之前的学术、行为问题和个人的入学意愿。
h. Admissions – Rejection: The school meets with the parents of the students to provide notice of rejection into the program. Reasons for rejection can be but are not limited to the following: prior academics, behavioral issues, and the individual’s own desire to attend.
i. 录取和退学概述——省市政府政策一致性:所有被录取和退学的学生都符合政府标准,并在评估学生是否接受和退学之前予以考虑。
i. Admissions and Removal Overview – City and Provincial Government Policy Alignment: All students who are admitted and removed from the program are in compliance with governmental standards and considered prior to assessing the student’s acceptance and exit of the program.
7.参考文献 References
《国际文凭项目的标准与实施要求》(2014 年中文版)
《Program standards and practices》(2014)
《学习的多样性和国际文凭项目:国际文凭项目中的特殊教育需要》(2010 年中文 版) 《Learning diversity and inclusion in IB programs.》(2010)