今天是有趣又有意义的一天。早晨六点起了床,呼吸着洛杉矶花草树木的香气,再次踏进了orangeview high school的校门。今天和前几天有些不同,因为我们要填一张学业报告单,去记录我们一周的成绩。我们今天又进行了三次考试,分别是历史,科学和数学。没有不会的题,只有看不懂的题。所以昨天晚上写了几份手机翻译说明书,找老师签了字。老师也十分的用心,为了让我们提升英语,只让我用到下周五,所以我要更努力地学习英语。现在我在BCC羽毛球场,看着那白色精灵在地上舞蹈,在黑夜的映衬下显得格外耀眼。这已经是第五天了,我要逐渐适应美国的学习环境,同时也要学好国内课程,和寄宿家庭更多的交流,让三个月的时间一秒也不白流。(郝一诺)
Every class is meaningful. Every time I accumulate a new word and sentence, I feel happy. Every day I make a little progress and gain something. It's so hard, I can't understand what it's talking about, but I can't get used to it. I've stuck with it until today.(梁铮)
I can't believe it's been six days since I've been in America. This is also the first week spent here. I have been in class for a week and have made some foreign friends. They are always friendly. The reason why our house is so far away is that we are basically late every time This is also the last day of the first week. Everything is fine today. My classes are all a Everything here is not as strange as it was when I first arrived. Like life here. I also went to play badminton this afternoon. That was awesome! But the ticket point, Xiaogui actually paid ten dollars. But I feel like it's worth it Your friend's life together is really happy. On the whole, today is great and next week will be even better. (Zhang Fu Tao)
Today is the last day of school after a day of the test, although don't know what performance, but it is still not a sense of accomplishment, principals and teachers in learning, bring us a lot of experience, he said like we bring questions and don't understand, so can only make progress, the first week of teacher carefully cultivate my self-confidence, achievement is very good, in the next few weeks, learning difficulty will improve a lot more, I will, inner surface development all! (李鑫博)
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